Hello World!

Me in a nutshell…

So, now that I have my first post under my belt, I figure I should introduce myself to you to give you a bit more insight into who I am. 

My name is Kourtney – with a “K.” My middle name is Renee, hence Kay Renee. Most people call me Kourt, although, it kind of bothers me when people first meet me and take the liberty to shorten my name. Other people call me Kay. To my son, I’m “Mom.” I have a 6-year-old little boy, who is going on sixteen and has to be consistently reminded that he is six, and I’m the boss around these parts!

I’m a Sagittarius. A true fire sign. I’m extremely sensitive and an overthinker, which is why it’s probably taken me so long to consider starting a blog. I couldn’t get out of my own head. “Who is going to read this? Will people even like what I have to say?” Like Erykah said, “…I’m sensitive about my sh*t.”

I believe in past lives and think I was likely a Gypsy in previous one. My friends will tell you that when trying to make a point, I’ll hit you with at least five examples that I think will help drive that point home.  I’m told however, that sometimes, these examples fall flat and have nothing to do with the point I’m trying to make.  But, what I think, is that they’re just haters and I’m actually winning the argument, but I’ll let them live and love them for their patience, nonetheless.   

I’d be remiss if I began telling you about myself and failed to mention, that “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman, is my ALL TIME FAVORITE SONG  (and before you ask, yes, the all CAPS, the  UNDERLINING and the BOLD are all necessary)! How could you not be so moved by this song?! Those chords at the start of the record – grips your heart right of your chest. Such a beautiful, melancholic song.  All of those hopes; those dreams… OK, OK.  You get the point.

I love anything that comes in camo.

I’m not a fan of oranges.

I can’t keep a pair of headphones to save my life. They either end up torn apart or lost.

I love to wear heels, but equally love a pair of Vans® or a pair of Nike®  Blazers.

I love to read.

I love food.

And a good nap – major!

Welp, this is me in a nutshell.  Nice to meet you!

Oh, and do me a favor, go listen to Fast Car.